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American Ginseng and Dendrobium with Chicken Soup

Ingredients: (for 3-4 persons)
American ginseng slices – 1 tael
Dendrobium – 2 taels
Chicken – 1/2
Red dates – 6 pieces
Ginger slices – adequate
Salt – adequate

1) Wash all the ingredients thoroughly.
2) Cut the chicken into pieces after removal of its skin, blanch and drain afterwards.
3) Boil about 10-12 bowls of water*, add in all the ingredients when the water is boiled, continue to boil for 10 more min., then turn to low heat and cook for 2-3 hrs.*, add salt before serving.
*The quantity of water depends on personal preference.
*The length of time depends on the capability of the cook pot.

Eliminate internal heat, nourish the stomach and promote production of body fluid, dissipate asthenia heat, enrich saliva to quench thirst.