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Braised Fish Maw and Yunnan Ham

Premium male fish maw king – 2 pieces (or fish maw tubes)
Jinhua ham – 10 slices 
Broccoli – 8 taels
Honey – 2 tablespoonfuls

Soup juice – 1 cup 
Salt, sugar, sesame oil and pepper powder – a little each
Cornstarch solution – adequate

1) Soak fish maw and cut into pieces, set aside.
2) Add 2 tablespoonfuls of honey onto Jinhua ham, steam for about 15 min., set aside.
3) Wash Broccoli thoroughly and drain, stir-fry until it is cooked and put on dish.
4) Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of oil, add condiment, fish maw and ham slices, braise together for a while until the ingredients become tender and absorbed with the flavour. Use 2 tablespoonfuls of cornstarch solution to make starch juice and then put on dish.